Kept In Stitches

Confessions of a fabric hoarder

QuiltCon 2018 was held in Pasadena, CA from February 22 to February 25, and I was excited to be a part of this incredible event. The Ventura Modern Quilt Guild was graciously given a booth to share our Thomas Fire Relief Quilts with the public, and I was helping at the booth all 4 days. We took in finished quilts, quilt tops, blocks, fabric and cash to help the families that were affected by the fires and mudslides. But, I did get to spend some time seeing the quilts that made up this inspiring show. I wanted to share some of my favorites with you…

First, the Modern Quilt Guilds were asked to create charity quilts to be donated after QuiltCon was over. I had the honor of doing the quilting on Ventura Modern Quilt Guilds charity quilt and couldn’t have been happier with the results. I was also blown away by the graphic impact of Los Angeles Modern Quilt Guilds entry…just amazing!

These were some of the top winners…they were pretty spectacular! But, I had some personal favorites, too.

I’m exhausted! So inspired, but exhausted…it was four days of fun and friends. QuiltCon 2019 will be in Nashville, TN…maybe I’ll see you there…

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Kept In Stitches

Confessions of a fabric hoarder

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