Kept In Stitches

Confessions of a fabric hoarder

Greg and I spent last Saturday with the Ventura Modern Quilt Guild at their bi-annual Modern Meet-Up. Twenty-Four quilters met at MAKE Ventura for an incredible day of sewing, socializing, and silliness. VMQG President, Georganna Hawley, taught everyone how to make a small, zippered bag from thousands of selvages she had brought, everyone got an …

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Karen's peace of mind

Kept In Stitches

Confessions of a fabric hoarder

Catbird Quilt Studio

Medallion Quilts, Among Other Things

Eric The Quilter

Quality Quilts From A Quilty Guy

Tim Latimer - Quilts etc

My adventures in Quilting and Gardening

A Journey with Fibre

Exploring the possibilities of fabric and fibre

Jaybird Quilts

Confessions of a fabric hoarder

Quilt Dad

Confessions of a fabric hoarder

sewing belly buttons boutique

Confessions of a fabric hoarder

me and theo quilts

our adventures

Lisa Bongean ~

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